The Truth
In life we are taught to gather toys, be trivia smart,
make more money, stay young, snub those who are less than us and worship those who are higher than us. It
doesn’t take much to see through that bologna……does it? Even the church teaches us that
it isn’t our fault and if it is, we may be forgiven and sin no more.
“But it is our fault and everything that happens
to us is a consequence of some action we have taken in this life or a past one.”
The truth is that this place is a testing ground for
the monkey/man. We are being tested each day to see what it is we might choose. The
choices determine whether we stay here and play dominion or whether we choose Love and then are removed from here and brought
back to Father’s creation.
The Trap
The trap wasn’t intended in the beginning.
It was when the “Fallen One” arrived that everything changed. The process of “Karma”
was working. There would have been few remaining souls. Then came the interference.
After that Earth was doomed to be a trap for those who came to make their choices. The
trap was created because Father gave the souls free will. Some souls are bound to decide to become god’s
just like Father …… or rather not just like Father because they would be #2. Instead these
souls are attracted to various places in creation where they are given a chance to fulfill their need to become what they
perceive to be a #1 god. Those places are then removed and locked out of creation, giving rise to the term
“Trap”. This “sphere of influence” including Earth is one of those “traps”.
Why did you choose to come here? Do
you have a need to be a “God”? Do you love the Dominion, the Control, the Power of some part
of your life? If not, get out and stay out. (excepting of course the teachers). Don’t
play the games of Dominion, rather get to know Father and ask to be let out of here.
or Out
It is this simple. There are only two choices in all
decisions. Dominion/Tickle you know well. Earth pleasures, control, all earth influences.
Or “Out”. (Anything that gives the love of the push or leadership onward along the path
to out.) That includes the acceptance of Christ at his word, in the faith that he was right or perhaps
just an understanding of the truth and the desire to leave. What ever it is the desire is to get out of
here. You choose “Dominion/tickle” or “Out” with every choice you make.
Create your own place of power with
dominion and manipulation or help those you Love get out of this Trap back to Father and unimaginable Love. With
“Free Will” you do know the outcome of all your choices. In your heart you know the outcome
of your choices.
Choose Love! Choose Love! Choose Love!
You should see clearly now that your life is just a test.
You know the choices. You are tested to see what you choose under different circumstances.
The Path Out
For those who choose OUT there is a Path.
It is that which is best laid out for you as you are now and will become. It is the Bliss Path or
Love Path. It is the Path which understands this prayer:
“I understand that I can not run my life successfully
since I can not comprehend all the forces that push me at any given time. I am only a monkey in my awareness.
Still I want to be as happy as possible while I complete that which is left to be done. I invoke
the “True and Lost Covenant” of my own Free Will to step on the path of Love and Joy. Upon
that Path I will know no fear for I have the Covenant with the God of Love, my soul and my persona. I open
my life to them and let them move me as they will. I now understand that Christ has done the work and paid
the price for my freedom and that makes the Path that much more sweet.”
You invoke the “covenant” and begin your
life anew. With this and the understanding that the Fallen One is ever tampering with all things here,
how is one to know that he is truly on the Path? How can you know the path you are on at any given moment
is the “True Path”? How can you know if you are being led a different way? There
are tests given that your “Path”, at any given moment, must pass. Heal, not make ill, comfort,
not discomfort, help others go on not hold them back, gather love not things, give Love in the form of help “Out”.
Teach Love, truth not deceit, open not closed, Good not evil, us not self. Your path must talk of
higher vibrations, new earth, out of here, treasures not of this Earth, meditation inward not outward and so forth…..You
know the difference! The “Path” is the bridge over the turbulent waters of life.
The choices are easier, more clear-cut with your new understanding. The joys of being a monkey/man
are now greater joys because you understand what is real
Before We are finished there is a questions which has
to be asked and answered.
1. Do I
have to give up everything I have to “seek” out?
The answer is no. It
is the focus of your life that is to change. It’s “Not” about the grades, the football
scores, the next tickle, none of these. Change your focus in your marriage, your job, your relationships
with people. Keep your money, house, car, etc. Change what it is that you think about, what you dwell on.
You will begin to move in the right direction and all the rest will take care of itself.
John Bonner can and will try to answer all questions
regarding this work.