Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think can glean
from it.
In my Dream, I found myself placed in the center of an island with paths
going out in all directions. I did not know where I was or what was going on. From one of those paths came
a man who said I should go with him and learn the game of life. I went with him and soon came to a group of people playing
a game. I struggled to learn the rules and gain the necessary skills to be able to play well. As I was
struggling to learn this game, I noticed quite by accident, that there was another game going on down the path next to ours.
Being curious I walked over to see what that game was. I found a different group playing a different game. The rules were
different as were the skills needed. This puzzled me greatly and I asked them why they were playing this
game, when the game on the other Path was obviously the game of life. They looked at me as if I was crazy. It had never occurred
to them that there might be another game on the island, or if there was it was just a waste of time since their game was the
only true game.
I went back to the center of the island. What was going
on here? Obviously I did not know enough so I began to investigate. As I traveled each path I found the
same thing, a new and different game believed to be the one and only game of life. I walked back to the center of the island
and sat down to review the problem. If they all think their game is the only true game of life, then who
is right? What are the real rules of the game? What is the real game of life. What skills should I be developing to win this
game? What good was it to learn the rules of one game if the true game was another? If
there is a true game there must be a means of determining what it is. Of all things learned the only thing that would hold
against observation was the rule Christ gave. “SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND.” If
we truly have free will, we must be able to understand our choices. Without complete knowledge there can
be no true choice. Therefore there must be knowledge available to determine which game to play.
So I did seek and I did find the answers I needed, however not just the way I wanted them or expected them.
Isn’t that the way it always is?
Let’s change the imagery a little and I will try to explain what I
found. First, “There is no one way.” And to show how that can be true or why that is true we
will picture an old covered wagon wheel. You know, a metal band attached to the outer rim and wooden spokes
attached to the rim and the hub. Now we will make this wheel huge and lay it on the ground.
In fact this wheel is so large people can walk on it, lots of people. So now we have this huge wheel
on the ground and there is a group of people scattered here and there around the rim of the wheel searching. Some
of them step off the rim and begin moving along one of the spokes toward the hub. As we expand the imagery,
the hub becomes the truth and the spokes are the way to the truth. So we now have people moving from the
rim, where most people are (going around in circles), and moving down the spoke to the hub. They are seeking
the truth and have found a way to it. Now let’s imagine that these people who are moving toward the
hub are able to talk to each other. Because they have been taught that the truth is in only one direction there will be conflict.
The ones moving south just know their spoke will lead to the truth. The ones going north also know their spoke leads to the
truth. They are both right. How many wars, deaths, how much suffering because we don’t understand
this concept.
The second thing to think about is people change very
little in one lifetime. As you get older you begin to realize the concept of having only one lifetime to
make the transformation from what you are to a person acceptable to "the god of man" leaves all but a very few banished to
hell. You don’t truly think that is going to happen do you? So, as the task of
becoming more acceptable begins to unfold it becomes obvious that reincarnation must be a fact. It was
going to take a very long time to accomplish the changes I saw set before us and as I had said before, “People change
very little in one life time.”
The third truth was even harder to get to, but as I acquired that last truth
the first two came together to form the whole. The smoke and mirrors were removed from my life and I began
to see the truth. We don’t each have our own truth. There is a “TRUTH”
after all. It is true for every man, woman and child on earth. The “TRUTH”
however is not found out there in the world. It is found in you. You have it.
You had it all along. The thing is you have to find it and find it safely. You
can go to the Bonner web site or you can write me and I will explain, but for those who are in a hurry I give you this.
There is a danger in meditating in that you open yourself up to things you just don’t want to deal with.
So before you try to venture inward set a guard in your mind that can watch over you. This is an
imaginary guard and can be anything as long as you believe it could guard you against anything. I have
seen people use the strangest imagery, (like a huge bunny) but if you believe it is a guard then that is good enough.
The rule here is that you say or invoke the law. “All those who mean me harm must leave and
stay away. Only those who would truly help may stay.” That is a law and must be
obeyed. I will say no more about it.
Now all you have to do is spend five to tem minutes a day (Hopefully at the
same time each day if you can.) just sitting quietly and listening. This works and you will get better
and better at listening until you can clearly hear the voice from within. For those who find this too hard
you can also start asking questions and writing the answer with the hand you don’t normally use. If
you are right handed, ask a question and then answer it using your left had to write. I know it is hard
at first, but it works and some people just can’t sit still very long. The answers will come to you
soon and they will be “your” answers.
Now if you want to learn what I found read on. It is interesting
….. or at least I thought it was.
All the activity you see people doing around you will fit onto one or two
of three paths people take in their lives. The first path (tickle) is obvious to all. The
tickle people are forever chasing the next experience and rarely enjoy the experience they are in. They
are the “Self Pleasers.” They don’t care to share, help, care, or any of that.
They are just busy ticking or pleasing themselves. The great majority of advertising is aimed at
those who are on this path. As many as possible are herded down this path. Why? Keep
them seeking the next tickle and they will want to keep coming back. If they always come back, perhaps
they will stay or get caught here. If they stay the “Dominion bent” will have someone to rule.
Will you work your whole life just to give the “Dominion bent” what they want and do it for just a tickle
every now and then? What?............. Most of us are doing it right now!
The second path “Dominion” is the concept that you will allow
all those “ABOVE” you to rule your family, work, your very life, so that you will, at some point in time, be given
your own group of slaves to do with as YOU so pleasurably see fit. Or perhaps they are only being the boss,
being “better than you are”, having the best, having the most, gossiping, picking on your children for now.
You know who they are. This is the path of destruction all religions talk about. It
is the trading access to Father, his love and all creation to become a GOD here in this so called universe. They
are the ones rewarded here. This universe was made for them.
The last path (with sadly the fewest aboard) is Out/Love. Because
there are so few in this group, you probably can’t find them. Would they be in the churches, synagogues,
and temples of the world……aren’t they?? Why would they be? That path
is detoured by the temptation of the tickle, blocked by the games of Dominion and hidden in the robes and sacraments of the
rituals. Actually unless you look closely you won’t find them at all, save the teachers.
This third path out/love has struggled with life. They have worked with religion and/or philosophy.
They want to know what it is that is going on here on this earth. They begin to understand that
there is much more than just this earth and our lives here. They still have to live here, they have to
eat here, have a roof over their head, but their focus is not here. They may just live a different kind
of life, minding their own business struggling with life, waiting to go on, or they may try to teach what they have learned
to others. Their focus will not be on the material, but rather on what is coming next. They
understand either by faith or knowledge that “OUT” is the path. They would help all who would
try to understand. They also know that, as the end comes, they will leave this plane gladly.
There are three paths that all on earth follow, Tickle which leads to Dominion,
and the Out/Love path. The first path gets rewarded every time a new tickle is found. The
second path is rewarded constantly as each “Atrocity” is performed and each step toward Dominion is reached.
The third path out/love is scorned, ridiculed, demonized, blocked and punished. Is there an organized
effort to stop you from thinking about what it is all about? To stop you from choosing Love? Understand
that this book is for you who have not seen the Lies, do not know they are Lies and would not choose the Lie path if you knew
the truth. If you were to see the truth would your life change? You have, as a condition
of “free will” the right to know the true nature of the paths that are presented to you hare on earth.
Read on and then choose.
If you see the “lies and choose to be here,
then you have CHOSEN. You belong here, go on with your life. We have no place with you,
with your life. However we will greatly miss each and every individual one of you.
It is to those who, if given the truth, would
get Out of here in a heart beat that this information is given. It is you who seek Love and the Joy of
sharing that have been deceived. It is you who must see the lies and how they are given.
How would you deceive millions of people into
thinking something is true when it isn’t? You lie! How do they lie? The lies are
accomplished by replacing one word, or one concept for another and telling you they are the same or equal. We
will show how the lie is accomplished. We will ask if you truly believe
they are the same or equal.